Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Mom

This week the "mom" side has come out in full force. I'm not really sure if I should call this aspect of myself "mom" or "warden". This week, I think the kids would vote for "warden", if they could vote..... which they can't since I don't run my household as a democracy for the under 5' tall group.

First we had the grape issue. They had grapes at lunch one day. I did NOT have grapes or lunch that day. However, a grape mysteriously appeared under the table following this lunch. General consensus of the kids is that this grape did not come from any of them. ....... which leaves me to wonder, did it grow little feet of it's own and simply sneak off their plates and make a break for a hiding spot under the table in order to avoid an untimely death at the mouths of babes?

Once we had managed to establish amongst ourselves that it was unlikely this grape got under the table on it's own, we then debated the issue of who's job it is to pick up this grape. Not mine certainly, since I didn't even HAVE any grapes, therefore it could NOT have been me that "lost" this one. Finally the littlest child crawled under the table and picked up the wayward grape if for no other reason than to shut his mother up already.

Whew! You'd think we're on the right track now...... but no. Now they head off to their own little corner of the world and start to fight. Why? because someone has someone else's lego or some equally major infraction. So what's a mom to do? I don't know, but here's what I did.

My husband and I sat them down in our office in a semi-circle. We simply wanted to get to the bottom of the lego issue, but were soon drawn into the saga and now it became an ultimate quest for truth and justice! Ah.... the American way at work right in our own house. We sat in a group for nearly an hour passing blame back and forth amongst all interested parties. We moved on to trying to define the moment and person that caused the whole ball to get rolling in the wrong direction. In the end, we came up with nothing, solved nothing and still had an unresolved issue. So.... we went out to the shop and played dodgeball. We used the soft nerf balls of course, but still, there is just nothing better than throwing things at eachother when all else has failed!